before/after rushing ranges

Most Gun Ranges Are Bland, Cookie-Cutter Rehash Facilities

Using Technology That’s Mostly Unchanged For 40 Years

New range owners who go along with the crowd in the shooting range industry end up paying a hefty price – and it will make them riskier, less profitable, and more stressful to manage than ever before.

Before Rushing Ranges, the shooting range industry was stagnant and there were few significant improvements over several decades. New range owners had few options, and range owners ended up with businesses that were high cost, high risk, and limited rewards.

Here are the typical options new owners faced:



Usual Options

Stale, bare-bones, cookie-cutter designs that are re-hashed from previous mediocre ranges.


Typical Result:

No branding, minimal safety features, setting up for high-cost operations.



Usual Options

Few options. Most are heavy, unnecessarily complicated retrievers.


Typical Result:

Though heavy, they are surprisingly fragile. Owners complain about too many breakdowns and expensive repairs.



Usual Options

Poorly designed, forced air systems insufficient for an open range space.


Typical Result:

EXTREMELY expensive to operate. Systems devour electricity for terrible results. Ranges smell musty. Heating/air conditioning is usually too expensive, so owners can’t afford temp controls. Difficulty passing OSHA/NIOSH & EPA guidelines.



Usual Options

Heavy and expensive, poorly conceived design that totally misses lead recycling opportunity.


Typical Result:

Baffles break apart and give off too much debris and dust. Baffle traps bullets, eventually becoming too heavy and owner can’t sell lead for a profit.

Our Industry-Leading Design & Equipment Can Make Your Range Truly Elite

Don’t Be A Follower

Or Fall For “We’ve Always Done It This Way.”

Take the time to do your homework and find out for yourself what Rushing Ranges has done to bring the industry standards to a whole new level for safety, efficiency, noise reduction, clean air, and much more.

With Rushing Ranges, new owners can have a turnkey system that takes you from where you are now, to that first opening day, and through ongoing management. With Rushing Ranges, you can exceed customer expectations, have the safest, cleanest, best smelling, and most comfortable range in your marketplace, with a bright and profitable future ahead.